"Distributed and community wind is the next frontier for Gamesa," said David Rosenberg, Vice President of Marketing for Gamesa North America. "Combine our turbine platform with Harvest the Wind's vast network of distributed wind developers, and the wind energy solutions we can jointly bring to communities and businesses across North America is enormous."
Gamesa' believes its G5X-850 kW platform is a perfect fit for community and distributed wind energy projects. First installed in 2001, the turbine's performance is well tested and validated, with more than 9,482 units (8,060 MW) installed around the world.
Distributed and community wind projects are among fastest-growing segment in the US wind industry as more cooperatives, smaller utilities, commercial businesses, small and large industries, and communities embrace the clean-energy opportunities and utility savings.
"No company is better equipped to serve these markets than Gamesa," Rosenberg said. "And now, by working with Harvest the Wind Network, even more communities and businesses will have access to the technology they need to put the wind to work for them."
Harvest the Wind Network is part of BTI Inc., a fourth-generation family business in the US state of Kansas.
BTI launched the network while rebuilding after one of the nation's most powerful tornados destroyed their business and community in Greensburg, Kansas, in May 2007. The small southwest Kansas town resolved to rebuild as America's "greenest city," and BTI Inc. was reborn, with a new addition, BTI Wind Energy LLC.
Harvest the Wind Network consists of 13 independent dealer groups in more than 200 locations. The network has installed and is servicing over 125 turbines, with more than 100 projects in progress ranging in size from 50 KW to 10 MW.
"The United States currently has a mid-scale wind turbine void that will be filled with this timely partnership," says Haley Estes, Vice President of Harvest the Wind Network. "The two companies will provide American industries with the ability to power manufacturing plants, schools and large industrial facilities, which will create nationwide jobs and foster energy independence."
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