The Kaikas wind farm covers an area of around 65 square kilometres and consists of 83 wind turbines standing in a water depth of 39 to 41 meters. The wind farm is due to be constructed north west of the Albatross, Global Tech I and EnBW High Seas wind farms developed between 2006 and 2011.
The new wind farm will be situated in Germany’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) in the North Sea, specifically the region known as the German Bight, approximately 120 kilometres north of Borkum Island and 115 kilometres away from Heligoland. Construction is expected to commence on or from 31st December 2019.
Approval was given following an extensive review of potential environmental impacts including an assessment of inter alia impact on the vegetation, birds and wildlife and on the climate. Strict requirements governing noise control in particular were established in order to protect marine mammals especially during the construction phase with regard to the driving of the plant foundations.
The project can easily be integrated into the development plan for the German EEZ and will form an important part of the BSH Power Network Plan for the region. The agency now has a total of 30 offshore wind farms in the German EEZ and the Baltic consisting of a total of 2,164 wind turbines with an additional 98 projects currently awaiting approval. One of these projects – the alpha ventus wind farm – has already been constructed and is undergoing testing. Six wind farms and four platforms are currently under5 construction.
Further information:
Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) – translation required