The Renewable Energy Strategy reaffirms government support for the development of the wind energy sector in Ireland, stating “the development of renewable is at the heart of the Government’s energy policy.” The Strategy also strengthens the Government’s commitment to progressing the Ireland-UK intergovernmental energy trade agreement.
With this agreement in place, Ireland has the potential to export six-seven gigawatts (GW) of electricity by 2025. This has the ability to attract between €1.7 and €2.7 million worth of investment for each megawatt of power exported. The agreement also creates clear opportunities for direct investment in industry, employment and the local economy, as well as indirect benefits to local supply chains.
Speaking on the Renewable Energy Strategy, CEO of the Irish Wind Energy Association, Kenneth Matthews said, “It is heartening to see that one of the five strategic goals contained within the Renewable Energy Strategy relates to the increase of renewable electricity from onshore and offshore wind.
“The intergovernmental agreement is also to be welcomed as it presents significant development opportunities for the wind energy sector. It represents a solid government commitment on this matter and it presents even further confidence for investors.
“We have seen a number of positive developments within the Irish energy sector in recent months but we must stay the course and ensure that Ireland maintains the regulatory and financial certainty and the delivery of key grid infrastructure to meet its overall binding EU 2020 targets. The Strategy released today reiterates the need for such certainty in the sector and for “predictable and transparent support frameworks” which will facilitate the required investment.
“The proactive and strategic development of the renewable energy sector, including the wind energy space, has a clear role to play in Ireland’s road to economic recovery and in stimulating employment growth.
“As the Strategy outlines, Ireland has a number of strengths which would boost employment in the renewables sector, including a well-educated and flexible workforce; the country’s favourable corporate tax rate and specifically in relation to the sector, excellent renewable energy resources coupled with a strong R&D base. A wide variety of both short- and long-term employment opportunities are expected, ranging from jobs in construction and maintenance to international supply chain openings and manufacturing and testing of niche next generation renewable energy equipment.
“The latest Renewable Energy Strategy represents a firm commitment for government to the expansion of our ambition in renewable energy, including wind energy, and provides a great platform from which to continue working towards achieving our targets. The Strategy also recognises the need for a coordinated approach by stakeholders in the renewable energy sector and acknowledges the benefits that come from working together to achieve our goals.”
Ireland’s Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources is clearly behind the new strategy saying on Monday that Ireland "cannot afford to allow challenges of grid build out, regulation or permitting to impede us in reaching the 2020 targets". He also committed "to personally chairing a Renewable Energy Development Forum which will track progress closely to ensure we solve any problems that might delay development”.
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