
Jumbo Offshore completes installation of transition pieces for Greater Gabbard offshore wind farm

Jumbo Offshore has successfully completed installation of 131 transition pieces for the Greater Gabbard offshore wind farm, off the UK’s south-east coast. Jumbo’s DP2 Heavy Lift Vessel, Jumbo Javelin, installed the transition pieces on behalf of Fluor at a record-breaking rate of more than one per day.

The job included levelling and grouting operations and was completed without any serious accidents or incidents. This is the first time that transition pieces have been transported and installed using a free floating vessel on Dynamic Position. The Jumbo Javelin completed the project one month ahead of schedule transporting and installing 9 transition pieces per trip.

In order to perform the work, the Jumbo Javelin was outfitted with job-specific equipment, including temporary living quarters, a grout plant and a ship-based, self stabilising access system that actively compensates all vessel motions. It was used to give crew safe access from the vessel to the installed transition pieces as well as efficiently guiding the grout hoses.

The Jumbo Javelin is able to carry 9 transition pieces at a time, stowed vertically in the hold. After loading nine 280t transition pieces at the Port of Flushing, the Jumbo Javelin sailed to the offshore location where she positioned herself on DP and started overboading the first transition piece onto the monopile. Every transition piece was placed in the specified orientation and then levelled to its final position. Next, the annulus (the space between the transition piece and the monopile) was filled with grout to fix it permanently. After the final survey the transition piece was handed over to Fluor.

“Installing the 131 transition pieces confirmed the suitability of Jumbo’s concept: safe and fast transportation and installation with only one vessel,” said Jumbo Offshore in a recent press release.

For additional information:

Jumbo Offshore


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