
New report shows offshore wind in New Zealand can flourish through UK collaboration

A new report published today (14th August) illustrates the opportunity that the UK and New Zealand have to unlock the full potential of New Zealand’s offshore wind industry.
New report shows offshore wind in New Zealand can flourish through UK collaboration
Courtesy of Xodus.

The report, developed by Xodus Group, a global energy consultancy, has been launched at an event in New Plymouth. It states that offshore wind presents a huge opportunity for New Zealand. With 15,000 kilometres of coastline, New Zealand has the potential to harness one of the world’s best wind resources to meet its climate objectives and grow a green economy.

The report states that New Zealand possesses the essential ingredients to accelerate its offshore wind industry: resource, demand, regulatory framework and social need.

The UK boasts a highly capable supply chain, a result of being the world’s second-largest offshore wind market, with 13.9 gigawatts fully commissioned as of 2023. Eager to build on this, the UK government is committed to not only developing to meet its growing domestic needs, which are expected to more than triple by 2030, but also to exporting its expertise and capabilities to global markets like New Zealand.

The UK can provide expertise in vital elements needed for offshore wind to flourish. These include financing methods, price stability mechanisms, local and international supply chain development and regulatory alignment.

“Tackling climate change is an urgent need” said British High Commissioner to New Zealand, HE Iona Thomas OBE, speaking at the launch. “And it does not need to result in an economic cost. Recently the UK has shown that we can grow the economy while also halving emissions since 1990. Achieving the goals that both New Zealand and the UK has set ourselves requires unprecedented, transformational change. As the global shift towards sustainable energy accelerates, the offshore wind sector in New Zealand is ready to respond. The UK stands ready to use our experience to tackle the challenges and take a strategic approach needed to unlock the potential that New Zealand has. Together, in partnership with friends, New Zealand and the UK have an opportunity to showcase the world what world leading offshore wind industry can look like.”

For additional information:

Xodus Group

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