
Offshore Wind Could Save New England Families $630M on Electricity Annually

Offshore wind is critical to achieving New England’s climate goals, reducing local energy costs, and protecting New Englanders from volatile gas prices, according to a new report authored by Synapse Energy Economics, Inc. fo0r the Sierra Club. If Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island achieve their shared goal of developing 9 GWs of offshore wind by 2030, residents will reap significant energy bill savings and life-saving emissions reductions.
Offshore Wind Could Save New England Families $630M on Electricity Annually

Titled “Charting the Wind,” the new report seeks to quantify the benefit of offshore wind to ratepayers, the climate, and public health in New England. Currently, the region is trapped in a cycle of high and spiking electricity costs spurred by overreliance on natural gas for power generation and extreme weather and geopolitical events that increase imported gas prices. By investing in offshore wind, New England can get off the gas coaster and ensure energy savings, health, and climate benefits for families and businesses.

According to the report, 9 GWs of offshore wind by 2030 would:  

  • Reduce New England electricity customers’ bills by approximately $2.79/month to $4.61/month, depending on future gas prices. 
  • Save New England an average of $630 million annually on electricity costs, with net savings in some years surpassing $1.3 billion under a mid-case natural gas price.
  • Retain approximately $1.57 billion in New England that would have otherwise flowed out to purchase gas fuel.
  • Cut 42% of annual CO2 emissions from the New England power sector. That’s 14 million short tons of CO2 gone. 
  • Provide $362 million in annual public health benefits by avoiding 3,700 short tons of NOX emissions, 824 tons of SO2 emissions, and 641 tons of PM2.5 emissions annually.

 Already, 2024 has been the biggest year yet for OSW in New England. Vineyard Wind, the nation’s first utility-scale offshore wind farm, powered on in January. In March, Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island held a successful tri-state auction. Then, in April, the Department of Interior announced a 15 GW Gulf of Maine auction, including eight lease areas off the shore of Maine, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire. 

“Offshore wind is New England’s greatest shot at curbing the impacts of the climate crisis and getting our communities off the gas roller coaster for good,” said Sierra Club Northeast Deputy Regional Field Director Andrea Callan. “For healthier communities and lower energy bills, decision makers must dedicate themselves to the increased development of offshore wind in the region and make 9GWs by 2030 a reality. This summer, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island together must seize the opportunity before them to green light projects that will put us well on our way to achieving that goal.”

Baterías con premio en la gran feria europea del almacenamiento de energía
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