
Salamander Offshore Wind Farm submits offshore consent application

Salamander, a joint venture partnership between Ørsted, Simply Blue Group and Subsea7, has submitted an offshore consent application for its proposed 100 MW floating offshore wind farm, marking a big step forward in the delivery of the project, located 35 kilometres off the coast of Peterhead.
Salamander Offshore Wind Farm submits offshore consent application
Courtesy of Salamander floating offshore wind project.

Peterhead was a successful innovation bidder in Crown Estate Scotland’s Innovation and and Targeted Oil and Gas (INTOG) leasing round. Salamander will give the Scottish floating wind supply chain a major early capability development opportunity, supporting its scale-up ahead of the pipeline of projects leased under the ScotWind and INTOG seabed leasing rounds.

The offshore elements of the project aim to be a stepping-stone in the UK’s journey to net zero.

The INTOG round awarded Exclusivity Agreements to two types of projects – small scale innovation projects of less than 100 MW, and larger projects aiming to decarbonise oil and gas infrastructure. Salamander bid for and won an Exclusivity Agreement under the innovation category.

The Salamander team has committed to focusing on Scottish content, in both construction and operation, to help de-risk the future pipeline and attract investment, maximising the benefit Scotland will see from the renewables transition. 

The deployment of innovative technologies will inform best practice and increase industry confidence ahead of a wider buildout of floating wind later this decade.

“We have submitted a high-quality, thorough consent application and we’re committed to continue working with the necessary stakeholders throughout the approval process” said Hugh Yendole, Project Director for Salamander. “Ambitious targets from both the Scottish and UK governments are not yet complemented by the infrastructure and supply chain required to deliver the floating wind pipeline in the UK. The timely delivery of Salamander is critical for industry in ensuring we provide opportunities to enable the UK supply chain – we want to encourage investment in local ports and indigenous technologies that will pave the way for a decarbonised future.”

Joint-venture partner Ørsted also has a track record of delivering socio-economic benefits to the areas where it has previously developed and continues to operate renewable energy projects.

Community engagement continues, with a third public consultation event planned to take place on May 29th at the Scottish Maritime Academy in Peterhead, from 12:00pm to 6:00pm. This event will present the whole project but focus on the details of the onshore consent application to be submitted later in 2024. 

Salamander continues to encourage the domestic floating wind supply chain to register interest in the project.

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