Stepping decisively into its new membership role, the company’s representatives presented a session on site assessment for wind farms at Suisse Eole’s most recent meeting in Bern (Switzerland). The presentation looked at energy yield calculation, wind farm planning and optimisation, as well as such issues as complex terrain conditions, noise, shadow flicker, and the risk of ice throw from wind turbines.
The association’s one-day meeting also allowed SGS to present its wide portfolio of renewable energy services to key market players in the wind energy sector in Switzerland.
Suisse Eole, founded in 1998, aims at improving the site-specific framework for wind energy in Switzerland by both ensuring project quality and providing information on the advantages of wind energy.
In addition, one of its objectives is to promote the production of about 1,500 GWh of wind energy, which represents 2.5 percent of Switzerland’s current electricity consumption.
To achieve that end, Suisse Eole seeks to connect companies in the wind energy sector with their counterparts at electricity companies, government agencies, consultants, investors and environmental organizations.
SGS brings extensive experience and competence in the wind energy sector to the organisation. The company currently has 59,000 employees and a network of over 1,000 offices and laboratories around the world.
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