The Provisional Type Certificate is a milestone towards the final certification of the wind turbine. It attests the conformity of the wind turbine design, manufacturing and testing processes for all safety relevant items with the normative references.
Siemens developed the turbine SWT-6.0 especially for the demanding conditions in offshore locations.
The first unit was installed in 2011 at the Høvsøre test site in Denmark with a 120 m rotor. The second 6-MW-prototype with a 154 m rotor was installed in 2012 at the new national test center at Østerild, Denmark.
In January 2013, Siemens installed two additional SWT-6.0 prototypes in the British offshore wind power plant at DONG Energy`s demonstration project Gunfleet Sands III. Both turbines for this project are equipped with the 120 m rotor.
Photo caption: Andreas Schroeter, Director of Renewables Certification, DNV GL, hands the certificate over to Trond Rinbol Bitsch, Product Manager, Siemens Wind Power.
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