
Statkraft Applies For 2.1 GW Offshore Wind Permit Outside Stockholm

Statkraft has submitted a planning application for the 2.1 GW Baltic Offshore Delta North bottom-fixed offshore wind farm in the Baltic Sea. The Delta North windfarm is located in Sweden’s economic zone, approximately 100 kilometers east of Stockholm and 55 kilometers east of Sandhamn island.
Statkraft Applies For 2.1 GW Offshore Wind Permit Outside Stockholm
Image by Jose Antonio Alba from Pixabay

The greater Stockholm region will have the potential to receive an annual production of approximately 8 TWh of electricity from Delta North, which corresponds to 40% of the current electricity consumption in Stockholm County. Delta North would cater to the increasing electricity demand of the transport sector and the need to transition to a low-carbon industry to meet current climate targets. The windfarm would also address the imbalance of the Stockholm region, which only produces about a tenth of the electricity it consumes.

The proposed wind farm includes up to 105 bottom-fixed wind turbines in an area far out at sea to ensure low to no visibility from land. Delta North will not be visible from the mainland and the inner archipelago (where the vast majority of Stockholm County’s population lives) and will have little visibility from certain places in the middle archipelago. There may be some visibility from the outermost islands of the outer archipelago.

The proposed wind farm is located in an area that has been identified by Swedish authorities as suitable for offshore wind, as presented in the proposed revision of the Marine Spatial Plans. The area is seen as less likely to have any conflict with other users of the ocean thus enabling coexistence.

With water depths ranging from 40 to 80 meters, the area is the only suitable location for bottom-fixed offshore wind at scale in the vicinity of Stockholm. Depending on the final landfall and grid connection location, the windfarm may be connected to hydrogen or e-fuel technologies which provide grid stability by addressing any issues of intermittent power production from offshore wind.

“There are three aspects that make the proposed Delta North windfarm unique. Firstly, it would lead to a proportionally vast increase in the electricity production in the Stockholm region to meet the high energy demand from consumers and industry alike. Secondly, the project has been developed to be of as little interference as possible to Stockholm’s famed archipelago, and we remain confident that the project has low to no visibility from land. Thirdly, the wind farm benefits from the more cost effective and mature technology of bottom-fixed turbine foundations. Neither of these aspects are unique by themselves, but the combination of all three in one project is,” said Jakob Norström, SVP Country Manager of Sweden.

Baterías con premio en la gran feria europea del almacenamiento de energía
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