

VSB Finland begins implementation of 450 MW hybrid project

VSB Finland’s Puutionsaari project in the North Ostrobothnia region has obtained a legally binding local master plan and the project can now move towards implementation.
VSB Finland begins implementation of 450 MW hybrid project
Courtesy of NREL.

A key component of the hybrid project is the 350 MW, 49-turbine Puutionsaari wind farm, which has now received planning permission. This will be followed by a 100 MWp solar farm, which is expected to be fully approved by autumn 2024. When complete, the hybrid park will generate enough clean electricity to supply around 337,500 four-person households. Construction of the wind farm will begin in 2025, with commissioning scheduled for 2028.

Hybrid parks are the future of the energy mix, offering many advantages: combining wind and solar power, they provide a stable supply of energy all year round and their efficient design means they can be easily connected to the national grid without the need for additional transmission lines.

“Combining solar and wind energy in hybrid projects is an absolutely vital technology if we are to achieve a comprehensive energy transition” said Dr Felix Grolman, CEO of VSB Group. “At well over 500 million euros, the level of investment in this project is staggering. We are proud of our 100 percent track record in Finland and look forward to completing another successful project.”

For additional information:

VSB Finland

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