
Wind power, at lower cost levels than gas and coal

Wind Power can compete with coal and gas electricity at similar price levels, according to Emerging Energy Research (EER), a consultancy based in Barcelona (Spain) and Cambridge, MA (USA). Their latest report takes into account the CO2 prices expected once the EU national quotes are introduced in 2008. The report was commissioned by Vestas, a Danish turbine manufacturer, aiming to analyze the potential of wind power within the new energy scenario. One of the key findings, once the carbon prices are included in the calculations, is that wind power produces electricity at a cost of 49.78 euros / MWh, compared with 52.87 - 55.01 euros / MWh of natural gas produced electricity. Coal plants costs are even higher, at 60.38 euros / MWh.

However, offshore wind power is not so competitive yet. according to EER. Due to the lack of scale economies, costs have not been lowered enough yet, and electricity generation costs are still close to coal levels.

"Many different figures are being released, however calculations are normally not comprehensive" said Mr Peter Brun, from Vestas, in an interview published by Børsen. "With this report, we hope to promote a more accurate debate in regards to alternative energy costs. Wind power is more and more competitive".

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Baterías con premio en la gran feria europea del almacenamiento de energía
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