Energy Storage Summit Central Eastern Europe 2024

Energy Storage Summit Central Eastern Europe 2024
Warsaw, Poland

EASE is glad to support the Energy Storage Summit Central Eastern Europe taking place in Warsaw, Poland on 24 – 25 September 2024.

With the energy storage industry facing unprecedented growth across the globe, the Energy Storage Summit Central Eastern Europe will be brought to Warsaw, Poland for a second time. The event will be highlighting the opportunities, challenges and lessons learnt across various countries as the region readies itself for energy storage.

In countries across the region, the government has set ambitious renewable targets to help further the deployment of renewable energy and facilitate the move away from coal, and storage is predicted to start playing a more prominent role in the future, particularly in helping stabilise the grid. Poland’s new energy strategy envisages 74% of energy production coming from zero-emission sources, including renewables. It predicts 88GW of renewable energy capacity by 2040. The Summit will look at opportunities in Poland, Lithuania and the Baltics, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Ukraine, Austria, Croatia and Serbia.

Energy Storage Summit Central Eastern Europe will explore themes including investment opportunities for storage, business models, the growing regulatory support from governments, appetite from international vs. local developers and investors, how storage can support the grid, the development of ancillary services and best practice sessions.

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